Sunday, December 15, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Your Government Will Let You Die To Protect Their Cronies

I say it over and over again:

The power you give the government to make things better and protect the weak and powerless will ALWAYS be used to help and protect the powerful to the detriment of the people!

Die of Cancer...
The government is okay with this as long as it protects the profits of big hospitals...

Friday, November 15, 2019

Your Government Plans To Take Your Car If You Vape

In Massachusetts...
If it's an untaxed vape product...

They can take your car...
Without a conviction...

Massachusetts residents: Start searching passengers before they get in your car!

The law hasn't passed yet...

From the article: "Dan Alban, a senior attorney at the Institute for Justice who has been fighting forfeiture abuse for years, was astonished by this provision. "This is completely insane and endangers the property rights of anyone in Massachusetts," he says. "Even if you don't have an 'untaxed electronic nicotine delivery system,' are you going to search every passenger in your vehicle? It is as though someone wanted to highlight the indefensibility of forfeiture via reductio ad absurdum."

Your Government...

Your Government Operates Outside Of Democratic And Constitutional Rules

"In response to these facts, one might still insist "but presidents lie a lot and break laws too!" That's true, but the difference between presidents and deep-state bureaucrats is well illustrated by the current impeachment controversy. It's the president who's facing indictments, public attacks, and the prospect of removal. On the other hand, the deep-state bureaucrats who oversee many counts of corruption, illegal spying and leaking, remain safely hidden from public view. Those who routinely lie, deceive, and abuse their power often go on doing so for decades. As the years pass, they become ever more entrenched in the federal bureaucracy, invisible to the public, and — as we are now seeing — often answerable to no one.
Presidents come and go, and they often face fierce opposition from the other party or from the media. The deep state, meanwhile, is said to be full of national heroes who "serve their country" and "speak truth to power."
It should be easy to see, in the battle between the president and the deep state, which side is the most dangerous."

Friday, September 20, 2019

Your Government Protects Cops Who Steal

The reasonably dumb cop rule basically says that if a cop was too stupid to realize he was violating your rights, then he can't be sued.

It goes along with the reasonably scared cop rule, which says that a chicken cop who was scared can't be sued for shooting you, even if you did nothing wrong.

Since stealing is apparently not obviously a violation of your rights to a reasonably stupid cop, he can't be sued for stealing from you:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Your Government Steals More Than The Criminals

More bad cops...
More corruption...

I know it's just a few bad apples, but the boys in blue need to start hammering the bad apples and not protecting them...

At least there's a prosecution...

Friday, July 26, 2019

Your Government Will Lie And Abuse The Innocent To Protect Themselves

A police chief lost her gun.
An immediate report is required.
Instead, she initiated a clandestine investigation that ended in an illegal search of an innocent families home and an abusive taking of their children and subsequent lies to cover THAT up.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Your Government Doesn't Care If It Hires Criminals As Cops

And it appears cops beat their spouses far more than the national average rate...
and get away with it...
often with impunity.

One city in Alaska had a police department where every police officer was a convicted criminal. Of the seven, they had collectively spent 6 years behind bars!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Your Government Wastes Money...Often Giving It To Criminals

Make no mistake that the vast amounts of power and money you convey on to your government will mostly benefit those people corrupt enough to manipulate the government into bestowing it upon them:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Your Government Will Steal Your House For Uncut Grass

I was prepared for this article to be clickbait, with a lot more nuance than the title suggests. I was wrong.

Here's the timeline:

Old man's Mom dies...
He hires someone to take care of the lawn while he settles her affairs...
Lawn guy dies...
City fines him $500 a day with no notice...
City could have cut his lawn for him and charged him...
But the city relies on these fines to pay the salaries of the city officials submitting the fines...
Man can't pay the fines so they are trying to take his house...

What is going to happen...

IJ is suing...
The fines will be overturned...
The cities taxpayers will have to pay legal fees...
The city will start fining more to make up the shortfall...

Your Government Will Allow Violent Criminals To Commit Murder And Then Not Be Held Accountable

This incident covers so many categories that the title could have been a paragraph. The government released a known violent criminal back into society in its desire to capture a drug dealer. It failed to adequately monitor the criminal and then, knowing the criminal had molested a 5 year old boy, did nothing until the criminal murdered the father of the boy AND THEN, the government refused to acknowledge any accountability for what they did AND THEN won on that basis in court!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Your Government Will Steal Your Children

At least Kentucky tried to cut down on the red tape by having judges pre-sign blank emergency orders...

It is very clear in this case that the welfare of the children was always a secondary issue to punishing a family who refused to just go along with what the government wanted:

Monday, March 25, 2019

Your Government Is Fucking Stupid

Incompetence? Lack of Caring? Malice?
Does it matter?
Ask the government for help and what do you get? Your private information shared.
As a former government "employee" I barely blink when another letter arrives explaining how the government misused, lost or allowed my personal information to be compromised.
Maybe that's been the plan all along - make us numb to their incompetence...

Your Government Will Always Cover Up The Massacres

This is a multi part podcast with photos covering the massacre of 24 residents of Haditha during the Iraq War by U.S. Marines and the subseq...