Thursday, May 26, 2022

Your Government Is Delaying Your Flight And Making It Cost More

 "In 2009, after a Colgan Air crash near Buffalo, New York, killed 50 people, Congress decided that airlines could only hire aspiring commercial pilots who already had lots of flight time.

Instead of 250 hours, now they have to have 1,500 hours!

"That never made any sense," says current commercial airline pilot Tracy Price in my new video.

The sixfold increase wouldn't have prevented the Colgan crash. Those pilots had many more than 1,500 hours of flight time. The pilot had 3,379—the co-pilot, 2,244.

That didn't matter to the politicians. "We need to improve pilot training, address flight crew hours and service," said then-Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D–N.J.).

Demanding more pre-hire flight time discouraged people from trying to become pilots. It had "the effect of pulling up the ladder," says Price.

Few people have the time or money to get 1,500 hours in the air before they can even apply for a job. The number of certified pilots fell even as flight demand increased.

The pilots unions didn't object."

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

China's Government Are Liars, Murderers And Are Committing Genocide

 All the doubt has been removed - as if we believe anything coming out of totalitarian regimes like Xi's and Putin's).

They are going to eliminate Uighers as a culture by re-education or genocide...

Images of the victims:

Details of the genocide and leaked documents:

Shoot to Kill Policy:

Monday, May 23, 2022

Your Government Hates Your Baby

The FDA loves its power more than it loves seeing your baby fed, so it seizes baby formula during a national shortage: (paywall)

From the article: "Parental demand led to American mom-and-pop vendors selling European formula because the manufacturers wouldn’t make the effort. They even provided translated instructions. But the FDA in the past year has cracked down on these sellers. Without notice, thousands of families were left scrambling to find more formula. Parents who tried to purchase directly from Europe had hundreds of dollars of formula seized by U.S. customs agents. One parent reported that she had nearly $700 of formula destroyed at the border—in the middle of a national formula shortage.

The FDA’s actions have exacerbated the problem they were trying to solve. The agency cites concerns about storing and transporting powdered formula to avoid bacterial contamination or product deterioration. But by shutting down trusted vendors who had built a reputation on importing and selling high-quality products, the FDA drove desperate parents to untested sellers, creating the storage and handling concerns that caused the FDA to distrust European products. The difficulty finding preferred baby formula brands also increased the likelihood of inauthentic products and unscrupulous sellers taking advantage of parents in need."

More from the WSJ about government causing the shortage: (paywall)

A bit more:

Your government loves tariffs and control more than your baby. 17.5% tariff on baby formula:

Friday, May 20, 2022

Your Government Is A Thief...Again

 "A Michigan couple says their town seized a building they owned and then demanded that they buy two cars for the police department to get their own property back."

"A February 24, 2021, email provided to Reason by the Kozbials' attorney, Marc Deldin, shows that a Highland Park police officer, ferrying a message from city attorney Terry Ford, sent the Kozbials quotes for two cars from a local Ford dealership, totaling about $70,000.

Civil liberties groups often criticize civil forfeiture for creating a perverse profit incentive for police and local governments, since forfeiture revenues often go straight into their budgets, but it's practically unheard of to see such an overt shakedown put into emails and court documents.

"Extortion, there's no other way to explain it," Deldin says."

An interesting document that is very common from other cases:

Chine Wants To Eliminate Tibet From History

Xi Jinping preparing his threats China's Communist Party is notorious for threatening museums to pull their loaned materials if the cont...