You probably never heard of it, but it is typical of the Chinese government's repression of dissent:
You probably never heard of it, but it is typical of the Chinese government's repression of dissent:
Just a quick catchup for those of you who haven't been following:
Despite the warrant not explicitly not allowing them to search the boxes, the FBI brazenly and carelessly searched them and started forfeiture proceedings against 400 of the roughly 1000 boxes.
Probably more than any leader in history...
Here is an irreverent history of China's Government Sponsored Evil:
Cops steal, kill, assault...
Cities that train them have egregious powerpoints encouraging bad behavior...
None can be sued according to the 6th Circuit because...
You guessed it...
Qualified Immunity...
From the article: "My pal, Alan Gura, can get kinda wonky at times, which leads him to parse a law as a civ pro prawf might. And in reviewing the otherwise bad, and often unconstitutional, H.R. 1, the ominously named “For the People Act of 2021,” Alan picked up on a detail that few would have noticed until it was too late.
In one neat court-picking trick, the bill would strip 93 of 94 local federal district courts, and 11 of the 12 regional appellate courts that review their decisions, of their power to hear First Amendment challenges to Congress’s regulation of political speech. All such claims—by Alaskans, Floridians or anyone in between—would be confined to the District of Columbia. Appeals would be heard only in the D.C. Circuit—the court over which Senate Democrats exercised the “nuclear option” in 2013, ramming through three judges who shifted its ideological balance. Imagine if Republicans had passed a voting-rights bill that forced Californians wishing to challenge it to sue in Louisiana, and appeal to some of the country’s most conservative judges."
This is a multi part podcast with photos covering the massacre of 24 residents of Haditha during the Iraq War by U.S. Marines and the subseq...