Saturday, November 27, 2021

China May Be Incompetently (In Addition to Evilly) Lead

 "A big lesson of the past twenty years has been “actually liberal democracy isn’t necessary to reach developed-country status”, so it would be quite the twist if it turned out you needed liberal democracy to reach developed-country status. This gets pretty close to the great mystery of why some less-developed countries “catch up” and others don’t; whatever happens in China is going to be a really useful data point." - Astral Codex Ten

Friday, November 19, 2021

China - If You Believe Them You Are Deluded - #MeToo Not Allowed There

 Anyone who thinks that powerful Communist Party officials didn't sexually harass or assault with as much or more impunity as the powerful in America is on crack. The main difference between China and America is that while the powerful could, at least until recently, make you figuratively disappear from public view and fame, the Chinese Communist Party can LITERALLY make you disappear:

UPDATE: In which I still don't believe those liars:

UPDATE: Still not buying it:

Your Government Thinks You Are Of "Limited Value"

 It's okay if they run you down going 74 in a 25 zone. You aren't of any real value to society. Note, this is the VP of the Police O...