Sunday, May 19, 2019

Your Government Wastes Money...Often Giving It To Criminals

Make no mistake that the vast amounts of power and money you convey on to your government will mostly benefit those people corrupt enough to manipulate the government into bestowing it upon them:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Your Government Will Steal Your House For Uncut Grass

I was prepared for this article to be clickbait, with a lot more nuance than the title suggests. I was wrong.

Here's the timeline:

Old man's Mom dies...
He hires someone to take care of the lawn while he settles her affairs...
Lawn guy dies...
City fines him $500 a day with no notice...
City could have cut his lawn for him and charged him...
But the city relies on these fines to pay the salaries of the city officials submitting the fines...
Man can't pay the fines so they are trying to take his house...

What is going to happen...

IJ is suing...
The fines will be overturned...
The cities taxpayers will have to pay legal fees...
The city will start fining more to make up the shortfall...

Your Government Will Allow Violent Criminals To Commit Murder And Then Not Be Held Accountable

This incident covers so many categories that the title could have been a paragraph. The government released a known violent criminal back into society in its desire to capture a drug dealer. It failed to adequately monitor the criminal and then, knowing the criminal had molested a 5 year old boy, did nothing until the criminal murdered the father of the boy AND THEN, the government refused to acknowledge any accountability for what they did AND THEN won on that basis in court!

Your Government Thinks You Are Of "Limited Value"

 It's okay if they run you down going 74 in a 25 zone. You aren't of any real value to society. Note, this is the VP of the Police O...