Friday, October 23, 2020

CHINA is still scummy...Taiwan threats...

 To be clear, when I insult China, I am insulting the Chinese Communist Party and its leaders, not the Chinese people.

The fact that only 15 countries support Taiwan as allies is an embarrassment and an indictment of the international community and the United Nations.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

This One Is For Hong Kong And Taiwan

 Apparently a lot of my readers are from Hong Kong...

Can't imagine why...


Taiwan is a country independent of Chinese.

I'll say it again...

Taiwan is a country independent of China!

What China is trying to pull in Hong Kong is bullshit and proof that they will not honor their commitments. 

Fuck China.

Your Government Thinks You Are Of "Limited Value"

 It's okay if they run you down going 74 in a 25 zone. You aren't of any real value to society. Note, this is the VP of the Police O...